Celebrity Life
Studio Tate Incorporates Luxurious Details into PDG’s Melbourne Office

PDG’s workspace in Melbourne was designed by Studio Tate and looks more like an hotel than an office space!
If you have never heard about Studio Tate today’s a good day to start. Tate is a Melbourne based interior design and architecture studio that develops a wide range of projects with an intelligent design approach.
From bespoke and multi residential, to hospitality, retail and workplace projects, the designers have a dynamic design approach and work methodology.
Why I’m giving up my desktop
The last year or so, the only three reasons I’ve turned on my desktop are as follows : 01. To access archived photographs from 2TB external hard drives that connect…
you and the moon
Worlds colliding this week with preparation for FFaNY and WWDMagic, in addition to having family in town for the next couple of days. Yet again, finding myself wishing there were a few extra hours in each day, but then – that’s better than wishing them away. The past few months have brought with them many changes, and I find my heart to be as restless as the world around me. On the brink of a breakthrough, or on the edge of devastation – some part of me finds pleasure in the conflict. It’s like being a speck caught in a whirlwind – and as unsettling as that might sound, the adrenaline rush is totally worth the ride. Carrying over the winds into this week’s wardrobe, I found myself playing a lot with combining sport elements into a casual-tailored blend. Those mornings when you find just the right combo and think… “yes. heck yes. today is going to be a killer day…” yeah, it was like that. photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | kimono:FOREVER21 | shoes c/o:CLARKS | double bar cuff c/o:ROCKSBOX (use code:DAYINMYDREAMSXOXO for a free …