Celebrity Life
Trending now: These 5 Asian ingredients are finding their way into modern cuisine
Spices go mod-Asian in these five restaurants.
The post Trending now: These 5 Asian ingredients are finding their way into modern cuisine appeared first on The Peak Magazine.
Trending now: These 5 Asian ingredients are finding their way into modern cuisine

Spices go mod-Asian in these five restaurants.
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The Peak Interview: Cynthia Chua Gets Bored Easily

For a woman who owns one of Singapore’s largest lifestyle businesses, Cynthia Chua is remarkably sanguine about taking time out to relax. She tells us why she gets bored easily, where she gets her inspiration from and how she’s good at connecting the dots.
For more stories like this, visit www.thepeakmagazine.com.sg.
The Peak Interview: Cynthia Chua Gets Bored Easily
For a woman who owns one of Singapore’s largest lifestyle businesses, Cynthia Chua is remarkably sanguine about taking time out to relax. She tells us why she gets bored easily, where she gets her inspiration from and how she’s good at connecting the dots.
The post The Peak Interview: Cynthia Chua Gets Bored Easily appeared first on The Peak Magazine.