Celebrity Life

living lighter with less

’Til 2022, a deep desire for “less” has continued to well up in my being. Perhaps partially driven by a complex, heavy world around us. Simplicity is uncomplicated peace, and excess is no more than baggage. I’ve applied this not only to a more capsule approach to my wardrobe, but throughout my home and life as well. It’s become easier and easier to let go of the baggage that builds up with time, and more and more rewarding as the piles of unneeded disappear leaving more time to kick back and enjoy what you have. Not only in things which are material, but also in matters of the mind.    We are a generation of over thinkers. Of excess, and emotional weights we carry with us throughout our lives. It’s a new year, and it’s time to eliminate and reduce baggage – physically, mentally and emotionally. The cause and effect is simple, with less, we are lighter. With less burdens, we can stand up straighter. We become free to pursue what makes us truly happy without …

teatox and travel wear

Frequent trips have led me to develop some go-to habits which are my fail safe to avoid all the many mini crisises that can happen along the way. Travel wear: it’s a science. Packed bad shoes? Bandaids in bag. Airport security? Liquids in easy-access purse pouch. Might need an evening clutch but don’t have room for another single bag? Clip chain for the wallet. Sounds like madness, but these types of little tips keep a swing in my step and the hitch out of travel. If anyone can figure out the solution for delayed flights… queue me in. #lifestory For the most part, the main issues are averted with some basics steps that save a bit of time – and make traveling a whole lot more simple. For example: travel wear. This one took me surprisingly a long time to master. It was a constant battle of what was “comfortable” and what was social acceptable to wear in public. Frankly – I couldn’t care less about the latter. But at time, duty calls for us …

sunday morning

Stillness truly is a commodity one should treasure. And one of the few times it shows itself is during the first moments of the day. Though I’m not a proclaimed morning person (quite the opposite actually), once I manage to pry open my eyes, soak in the light, and indulge in my first cup of coffee – those moments that follow are actually quite pleasant when the day’s rush can be put on hold. The view of the city below keeps my mind wandering on dreams of the future and memories of days past. And weekends at home – don’t even get me started. My daytime wardrobe is lucky if it finds me. Lazy you say? Comfy, I answer. #truestory photography:KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:NIKON D90 | bralette c/o:TRUE & CO | cuff c/o:MADELEINE ISSING | rings c/o:KINDLING & COMPANY | geo necklace c/o:KINDLING & COMPANY | hotel:W HOTEL Another great wake-me-up in the am – yoga. Great because you can do it from home and travel (and not have to change) I spent many a day last year practicing …

what happiness is made of

Hello, and happy Saturday. Had the most wonderful past weekend with an impromptu trip to NYC to visit a good friend. All 48 hours held every bit of bliss one could ask for – from city sights to tasty bites, complete with a luxury stay in Union Square’s W Hotel. Spending these better moments in life always brings to mind a thought: what exactly is happiness made of. Is it a formula of positive experiences combined in the right moments, soaking in the luxuries life has to offer? Is it something that can be created and re-created if the solution is found? I believe happiness is many things. But above all, it is a choice – the eyes through which you see the world, and spending it with those you love. Thank you friends, for just such a weekend. Will fill you all in on more details from the trip in later posts. In the mean time, all my wishes to each of you that your weekend and days to follow are spent in happiness. Apparently feeling all warm and …

day in my dreams

Took a dive, started on a whim, and ended up being one of the most incredible adventures I could have asked for – Happy 1st year anniversary to day in my dreams. The experience is beyond what I could ever have expected it to be, and you have made it that. Thank so much for supporting me from the very beginning through this first year. Your encouragement and inspirations have not only kept me blogging, but also brightened many days in my own personal life, like a close group of friends along for one of life’s many journeys. Having this opportunity to take something that is a passion and inner release for me, and being able to share that and interact with so many incredibly talented people, brands, and companies – is something I will be forever grateful for. I feel truly blessed. Also, feeling a bit cheesy (but truly want to know how grateful I am for each of you) after this extended speech – so let’s get back to it shall we? Thought it appropriate to make …

running from waves

One more day by the sea. Though the mornings were beyond crisp, the afternoons were perfection with a light breeze and 70’s sun. Just enough to bring out more freckles on my face. I’m still in denial that they’re actually sun spots. I knew it would be much too cold to get in the water, so I opted for some knit Bermuda shorts (that I’m absolutely obsessed with) and a jacket. Needless to say, they were both wet by the time we departed. I just can’t resist the salty goodness. Also noticing I’ve put my slides through a lot, time to shop for a replacement pair! photography: KUNDAN KUMAR | camera:CANNON 5D MARK III | fleece:NASTYGAL |  slides:NICOLE          
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